Verified Views
Cyanotype Media now offer the production of Verified Views (VM) as part of our suite of services.
Also referred to as Verified Visual Montages (VVM), Verified Photomontages (VP), or Accurate Visual Representations (AVR), these views combine methodically documented site photography, quantitative metric survey information on site, and accurate 3D virtual models of the proposed scheme to produce images which show how the proposed development will look once built, with scientifically verifiable accuracy.
Verified Views are often requested by Planning Departments or Heritage Bodies in order to assess the visual impact of a proposed scheme. As a result, these views can become a critical requirement in the process of attaining planning permission, and so, getting the right people on board to have them produced in a professional and timely manner is key.
Each Verified View produced is accompanied by a specific method statement for presentation to the relevant authority. ​
The methodology we employ follows best practice set out in the following documents:​
- Landscape Institute. Visual Representation of Development Proposals Technical Guidance Note 06/19. 2019.
- London View Management Framework Supplementary Planning Guidance: Appendix C: Accurate Visual Representations. March 2012.
Please get in contact if you have been advised by your planning authority or consultant about the need to have Verified Views produced of your project, or if you are planning a development for which you believe verified views may be necessary.